Massachusetts License Plate: Your Guide to Vehicle Registration, Types, and Customization - Harrison McGuigan

Massachusetts License Plate: Your Guide to Vehicle Registration, Types, and Customization

Types of Massachusetts License Plates

Massachusetts license plate

Massachusetts license plate – Massachusetts offers a wide variety of license plates to meet the needs of its diverse population. These plates come in various designs and serve specific purposes, catering to different vehicle types, organizations, and individuals.

The eligibility criteria and regulations for each type of plate vary, ensuring that they are issued appropriately and in accordance with state laws.

Standard Passenger Plates

  • Standard Passenger Plate: Issued to regular passenger vehicles, featuring the state’s name and the iconic “The Spirit of America” design.
  • Boston Strong Plate: Commemorates the resilience of the city after the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, with a blue and yellow design.
  • State Police Plate: Issued to Massachusetts State Police vehicles, featuring a black and gold design with the state seal.

Specialty Plates, Massachusetts license plate

Specialty plates allow individuals to express their interests, support organizations, or commemorate special events.

  • Environmental Plate: Features a green design with the slogan “Protect Our Environment,” supporting environmental conservation efforts.
  • Military Plate: Issued to veterans and active military personnel, featuring a camouflage design and the branch of service.
  • Collegiate Plate: Showcases the logo and colors of various colleges and universities in Massachusetts.

Commercial Plates

  • Commercial Vehicle Plate: Issued to commercial vehicles, such as trucks and buses, featuring a blue and white design.
  • Apportioned Plate: Allows commercial vehicles to travel in multiple states without registering in each state.
  • Dealer Plate: Issued to car dealerships, featuring a red and white design with the dealer’s information.

Other Plates

  • Motorcycle Plate: Smaller in size and features a unique design for motorcycles.
  • Temporary Plate: Issued for a limited period, typically used during vehicle registration or transfer.
  • Historical Plate: Preserves the historical designs of past Massachusetts license plates.

Customization and Fees for Massachusetts License Plates

Massachusetts license plate

Massachusetts offers various options for customizing license plates to suit individual preferences and express personal style. The process for requesting personalized plates is straightforward and involves submitting an application along with the required fees. In addition, the state has established a comprehensive fee structure covering license plate registration, renewal, and replacement costs.

Personalized Plates

Individuals can personalize their Massachusetts license plates with a combination of letters, numbers, and spaces. The maximum character limit is seven, and the plate must begin with at least one letter. Personalized plates are subject to availability and approval by the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV).

To request personalized plates, applicants must complete an application form and submit it to the RMV along with a non-refundable application fee. If the requested combination is approved, an additional fee is charged for the production of the personalized plates.


The following table Artikels the various fees associated with license plates in Massachusetts:

Type Fee
Registration $60
Renewal $60
Replacement $25
Personalized Plate Application $50
Personalized Plate Production $100

The Massachusetts license plate, with its distinct blue and white design, serves as a symbol of the Bay State. But did you know that there’s a special bond between Massachusetts and Pennsylvania? Just like the friendship song “You’ve Got a Friend in Pennsylvania” you’ve got a friend in pennsylvania , Massachusetts license plates often feature the silhouette of the Keystone State, a testament to the deep connection between these two states.

Massachusetts license plates come in a variety of designs, including some that support specific causes or organizations. Similarly, Pennsylvania also offers a wide selection of pa special license plates that allow drivers to show their support for various causes, such as breast cancer awareness or military service.

The Massachusetts license plate program is designed to provide a way for residents to express their individuality and support the causes they care about.

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